I'll update, fix errors, and add addresses as things change, but, so far, I think it's okay. And again, thank you all! These are all great blogs to visit anyday--why not check them out now? I'll post links and reminders all through October so you can visit them again and meet me there.
Flower Child: just been released by Gypsy Shadow Publishing:
Find it on Amazon!
Find it on Smashwords!
Or follow my October Flower Child blog tour to learn more:
1. Aubrie Dionne: with thanks to a local writers' group. http://authoraubrie.blogspot.com/2011/10/guest-post-by-gsp-author-sheila-deeth.html
2. Jenna-Lynne Duncan: memories of birth,http://www.jenna-lynne.com/1/post/2011/10/guest-post-sheila-deeth.html
3. Cheryl Snell: my (un)Musical muse, http://shivasarms.blogspot.com/2011/09/flower-child-by-sheila-deeth.html
Plus Cheryl's review of Flower Child on Scattered Light at http://snellsisters.blogspot.com/2011/10/review-of-sheila-deeths-flower-child.html
4. Stephanie Campbell: how I got here, or there, http://writersos.blogspot.com/2011/10/guest-blogger-sheila-deeth.html
5. Pat Bertram interviews me http://patbertram.wordpress.com/2011/10/04/sheila-deeth-author-of-flower-child/
with an excerpt from Flower Child on http://dragonmyfeet.wordpress.com/2011/10/04/flower-child-by-sheila-deeth-excerpt-1/
6. Pat Bertram interviews my character http://patbertram.wordpress.com
with an excerpt from Flower Child on http://dragonmyfeet.wordpress.com
7. Cheryl Masciarelli: internet writer? http://cmashlovestoread.blogspot.com/
Plus I’ll be answering questions all weekend on Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/topic/group_folder/54247?group_id=37092
10. Minnette Meador will have new excerpts from Flower Child on http://minnettemeador.blogspot.com
11. Jezebel Jorge: questions of identity, http://www.jezebeljorge.com/
12. Therese Boje: two-step inspiration, http://www.tpboje.blogspot.com
13. AF Stewart: spiritual speculative fiction, http://afstewartblog.blogspot.com/
14. Mike Ware interviews me on http://themissingword.blogspot.com/
15. Aaron Paul Lazar interviews me on http://murderby4.blogspot.com/
16. Cat Cavendish interviews me on http://www.catherinecavendish.com/
17. Erin o’Riordan: angels, http://erinoriordan.blogspot.com/
18. Dawn Colclasure: mathematical writer? http://dawncolclasureblog.blogspot.com/
19. Lyn Hywela: memory and inspiration, http://hywelalyn.blogspot.com/
20. Paula Mitchell: first image, http://communitybookstop.blogspot.com/
21. Sutton Fox: what’s that story all about? http://suttonfox.blogspot.com/
22. Mary Russel: what type of book do you write? http://maryrussel.blogspot.com/
24. Christine Amsden reviews Flower Child on http://christineamsden.com/wordpress/
25. Christine Amsden interviews me on http://christineamsden.com/wordpress/
26. Gail Lewis reviews Flower Child on http://summitbookreviews.blogspot.com/
and Anjuelle Floyd interviews me on http://www.anjuellefloyd.com/blog/
27. Tracey Parelli: not all ghosts are scary, http://traceypacelli.com/
Plus Fran Lewis reviews Flower Child on facebook
28. Kimberley Brock interviews me on http://kimberlybrockblog.com/
Plus, live author Q&A at 6pm Pacific on gather http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474980420916#cid-1688849889343690
29. I tell Anne Petzer about my first book on http://annehpetzer.wordpress.com/
31. Ruthi Cox reviews Flower Child on http://ruthireads.blogspot.com/
Plus, author Jane Kirkpatrick will feature me on http://janeswordsofencouragement.blogspot.com/ sometime in October and Anjuelle Floyd will interview me on Blogtalkradio on Wednesday November 2nd!
Posted with a HUGE thankyou to all the wonderful authors and bloggers who've agreed to be part of this. I'm totally overwhelmed by your kindness and your support. Thank you!!!